
matching grants

According to the Welden Cooper Center, in 2020 Maine is expected to have more residents aged 65 and older than aged 19 and under. The new Seniors Matching Grant program sponsored by the Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation aims to assist local lodges in achieving their charitable efforts in supporting this older demographic in their communities. 

Whether it is a project to improve accessibility, provide much needed services or promote programs of companionship and caring; the Masonic Charitable Foundation offers lodges the ability to enhance their fund raising capabilities and community giving programs. Lodges have the ability to raise funds for the causes that captivate their interests and make application to the Masonic Charitable Foundation for a matching grant.

During each fiscal year (which runs from April 1st to March 31st), each Lodge is eligible for $7,000 in matching grants – that is $7,000!

The Foundation will match $2.00 for every $1.00 the Lodge is spending on a project/donation with a maximum per category (in this instance projects that benefit or assist seniors) of $3,000 in matching funds.

Lodges can spread monies over multiple grants within the same category (i.e., $200 for one seniors related project and $250 for another seniors related project) and now Lodges can also do a large matching grant for one seniors related nonprofit or community project (i.e., a Lodge can chose to donate $1,500 to a local nonprofit and the Foundation will match it with $3,000 for a total of $4,500 for that local nonprofit).